H.E. Ambassador Bizunesh Meseret, Deputy Head of Mission, took part in India-Africa Business Conclave 2024 (2nd Edition) held in Ahmedabad City, Gujarat State, India.
During the occasion, H.E. Ambassador Bizunesh delivered a presentation on the Ethiopian business and investment opportunities with special focus on priority sectors such as agriculture and agro-processing, manufacturing, ICT, mining and tourism. She also elaborated favourable economic factors (market access, land, labour force, specialized economic zones, integrated infrastructure,
fiscal and non-fiscal incentives, economic reforms including privatization and liberalization of financial and telecom sectors) and invited Indian companies to invest in Ethiopia.
The Conclave was organized by Global India Business Forum (GIBF) to bolster bilateral trade and investment partnerships between African countries and India. The event gathered more than 400 Indian companies, and the Embassy interacted in one-to-one meetings with more than 80 companies.
The Embassy and GIBF have agreed to further collaborate on promoting Ethiopian business and investment opportunities.

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