Ethiopia’s active participation in the BRICS meeting Forums held in Russia and the corresponding bilateral discussions with member countries have yielded significant diplomatic achievements for the country.
The Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Ambassador Nebiyu Tedla, held a press briefing today to discuss the country’s major diplomatic activities, with a particular focus on Ethiopia’s effective participation in the BRICS meetings.
Ethiopia was represented by a high-level delegation at the BRICS Foreign Ministers’ Forum, led by H.E Ambassador Taye Atske Selassie. Prior to the event, the Governor of the National Bank of Ethiopia and Ethiopia’s Sherpa to the BRICS H.E. Mamo Esmelalem Mihretu took part in the meeting of Sherpas and Sous sherpas of member countries.
Ambassador Taye emphasized key measures undertaken by the Government of Ethiopia aimed at enhancing the role of Ethiopia within BRICS and called for an increased constructive role of the BRICS member countries on pressing international issues. He also stressed the need for reforming UN, international financial and security institutions taking into consideration of the interests of developing countries.
The joint statement issued by the BRICS Foreign Ministers included Ethiopia’s perspectives, advocating for seamless integration of Ethiopia and other new members into BRICS and the New Development Bank. The statement also called for Security Council reforms and changes in international financial institutions to reflect current economic realities.
The BRICS Dialogue with Emerging Markets and Developing Countries, attended by the Foreign Ministers of BRICS members and non-BRICS developing countries emphasized strengthening partnerships for common development and peace.
Ambassador Taye also held separate bilateral engagements with the Foreign Ministers of eight BRICS and invited developing countries, including China, Brazil, South Africa, and Russia, securing political support for Ethiopia’s membership in the New Development Bank.
The spokesperson noted that Ethiopia’s engagement in the BRICS meetings reaffirmed its timely membership in the organization.
The Spokesperson also highlighted major bilateral engagements and economic diplomacy events over the past two weeks, including Ambassador Taye’s discussions with the President of the 78th General Assembly of the United Nations to strengthen support for peace and development in Ethiopia.
State Minister for Foreign Affairs, H.E. Ambassador Mesganu Arga, reached a consensus with Finland’s Minister of Foreign Trade and Development to bolster bilateral economic cooperation and agreed to hold political consultations soon.
Additionally, consultations with the Ambassadors of France, Austria, and Greece led to common understanding to enhance political consultation platforms. Discussions with Alison Blackburne, the UK Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea, focused on increasing joint efforts for regional peace and stability.

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